Energising brand engagement
Launched in 1991 by Coca-Cola HBC Ireland and Northern Ireland, Fruice is a premium juice brand with a variety of high and low juice contents available. The drink is popular for its compelling combination of nutritional ingredients and for its wide range of refreshing flavours.

Shaking up Fruice for a new generation
Fruice enjoys a loyal brand following but wanted to connect with younger generations by using targeted campaign activation designed to encourage interaction through user-generated content. Having successfully executed a similar campaign for Deep RiverRock, Eyekiller was invited to deliver a vibrant and entertaining campaign.

Invigorating the target audience
The campaign was targeted towards Generation Z (aged 16-25) and was therefore based on their data consumption habits. This elusive group resists traditional advertising methods. It was therefore essential that the campaign attracted the demographic with distinctive digital strategy.

Driving engagement with QR Codes
Our campaign featured QR codes printed on the sides of bottles. When activated with smartphones, the codes link to the campaign website www.noawkwardbits.com. As a pun on the lack of ‘awkward bits’ in the drink, the campaign seeks to collect awkward stories from participants, who can potentially win prizes.

Harnessing Gen Z with the power of experience
The campaign drew an immediate and substantial audience and embarrassing stories were enthusiastically shared, driving the desired brand awareness. Behind the scenes we provided an easy-to-use entry management system for the marketing team to approve or disapprove submitted stories and to award winning submissions.